Cookie Consent

Add a script to the ComplyAuto Cookie Banner Allow List.

To ensure that a particular script is not blocked by the ComplyAuto cookie banner you can add it to the allow list.

1. Navigate to the ComplyAuto Privacy Dashboard

2. Click "Privacy"

3. Click "Cookie Consent"

4. Select the Web Domain you would like to create a custom list for

5. Click "3. Tracking Scripts"

6. Click "Create New Consent Management List"

7. Select an existing list to clone.

8. Name the new custom list

9. Click the "List Description" field.

10. Enter a description for the list and click "Create"

11. Click "Allowed"

12. Click "Add Script Allow Item"

13. Enter the details for that script: Name of the Script, the Company that owns the script, and a brief description of the Script.

14. Add the tracking category.

15. Add the rule the cookie banner will use to ensure the script is not blocked.

16. Click "Create"