Cookie Consent

Create a Custom Consent Management List for the ComplyAuto Cookie Banner.

ComplyAuto allows you to fully customize which scripts are blocked by the cookie banner. You can create a custom list that can add new scripts to be blocked, or remove scripts from ComplyAuto's recommend list.


⚠️ Caution: Editing your cookie consent list can have compliance implications, please consult with a ComplyAuto Client Success Manager before making any changes. 

    1. Navigate to the ComplyAuto Privacy Dashboard
    2. Click "Privacy" 

    3. Click "Cookie Consent" 

    4. Select the Web Domain you would like to create a custom list for 

    5. Click "3. Tracking Scripts" 

    6. Click "Create New Consent Management List" 

    7. Select an existing list to clone. 

    8. Name the new custom list 

    9. Click the "List Description" field. 

    10. Enter a description for the list and click "Create" 

    11. Use the "Trash Icon" to remove any scripts from the list that you do not want to be blocked. 

    12. Click "Delete" 

⚠️ Caution: Before deleting any tracking scripts be certain your dealership is comfortable taking this risk. If you have any questions please contact a ComplyAuto Client Success Manager. 

      13. To edit a cookie on the list select the "Edit" icon. 

      14. From here you can edit the specific rules that control the blocking of the particular cookie or script. 

      15. To add a new script or cookie to be blocked select "Add Script Block Item" 

    💡 Tip: The ComplyAuto team will be able to assist you in adding any new scripts to your custom cookie consent list. Please reach out to a ComplyAuto Client Success Manager with any questions. 

      16. Enter the details for that script: Name of the Script, the Company that owns the script, and a brief description of the Script. 

      17. Add a tracking category to the script. 

      18. Enter the rules the ComplyAuto banner will use to block the script. 

      19. Click "Create" 

    20. Confirm the rules the ComplyAuto cookie banner will use to block the script are accurate.